Golf is a sport that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of people, even though most of the world feels that it is designed to give our older generations something to do. Admittedly, when people first began to play, it was mostly the older generation, but now, there are people playing golf from a very young age. goldclubThe downside is that golf is not just something that you can play in your back yard, even though it is a great place to practice if you are not able to get on the golf course. This means you have to pay if you want to play and in some cases, it can cost you a small fortune. Especially if you have a desire to become a member of one of the many golf clubs. The good news is that there is a variety of golf courses and each of them have their own idea of how much it should cost players to be on their course.
Many golf courses around the world, do allow players the option to pay per day. This is a great option for many new players who are simply trying to find the course that they feel most comfortable with. On average, for a daily fee, you can play 18 holes and the cost to you will be on average $150. Many will cost less, but there are those that charge more per day. In some areas, you can get lucky and play a full round of golf for less than $50 a day.
If you are happy with the course you play or have a lot of friends who use a particular course, you may decide to become an honorary member of their country club. There are benefits to joining a golf club. You get more options when it comes to tee time and basically full access to the facilities. However, these luxuries do come with a price. There are sometimes initiation fees, annual dues, food minimums that you must pay whether you eat or not, and, of course, golf cart and caddy charges. To join a higher end club, you could pay $300.000 a year, but a nice average for most golf courses is closer to about $520 per month, which equals just over $6,000.00 per year.
In short, if you are a golfer or hope to be, your best option is to shop around. Find the course that fits your budget and choose the option that meets your needs the best.